Dress rehearsal
Director's Dispatch No 8: by Chris Rafferty, Bowness on Solway
Well, an interesting morning….
The Dazzle Rock arrived. It is wonderful! Well, to look at, I haven’t tasted it yet...
Followed by a dress rehearsal with three principals missing – and Fred added to the sick list.
I drafted in a year three pupil to read Fred. She did a good job, but the flow was rather lost, which inevitably affected the cast.
Flossie was a trooper, singing Fed’s part as well as her own.
The lights wobbled again. After apparently failing they suddenly kicked in.
I have replaced all the cables except one, so we are zeroing in on the problem.
Having seen the show run, I am going to rewrite the lighting plan over the weekend.
All in all, lots to put right. I think we are a day behind in rehearsals – but can still bring it all together.
Hopes for great happenings - it has the makings.
Director’s Dispatch 9: Last night