Popular school musical with guaranteed magic and excitement
- Age range: 12-18 years.
- Junior version: 8 to 11 years
- Duration: Two acts.
- "Thrilling story, beautifully told."
- "Outstanding music".
- Easy to produce and stage
"Our production of Dazzle! was amazing. I will remember it for the rest of my life."
Pippa Alderton, London
Introducing Dazzle!
This ever-popular school musical tells the story of Poppy Pringle, who inherits a run-down seaside fun fair.
The inspirational show tells how she leads the colourful band of fairground children to save it from the bad guys and bulldozers - and restore it to its former glory.
After some exciting thrills and spills along the way, they finally defeat Murgatroyd Megarich and his side-kicks and win the day.
Dazzle! includes everything you need for a successful school show:
- Bewitching, West End-quality songs;
- Exciting drama that children can relate to;
- A fabulous feel-good ending.
The line-up of colourful characters includes:
Fred Pringle, the famous steeplejack and showman, who "has a head for heights like Neil Armstrong."
Poppy Pringle, the showman's shy daughter who leads the mottley crew to win the day.
Flossie, the larger-than-life person who keeps the toffee apple and candy floss stall.
Monkeychunks O'Hallerhan, the "strongest man in the county with a heart as big as all outdoors".
Skimpy, who sweeps up the rubbish and who helps Poppy in her darkest hour.
Spooky, who runs the ghost train, and who is pale and thin on account of all the time he spends in the dark.
Murgatroyd Megarich, the property speculator who wants to take the Fun Palace away from the Dazzlers - and bring in the bulldozers!
Sarkky Cutter, a bit of a nasty piece of work who tries to scupper the dream to keep Dazzle Bay alive.
Purchase an immediate download of "Dazzle!" now.
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Listen to the fabulous songs from Dazzle!
Your cast will sing their hearts out to the funny, heart-warming and inspirational songs from Dazzle!
Click on the song titles below to hear excerpts.
1. Something moving in the air
The whole cast
2. A wonderful town!
Fred Pringle and the Dazzle chorus
3. Fairground calls
Fred Pringle and the Dazzle chorus
4. I’m a reasonable man
Murgatroyd, Squeamish and Clackett
5. I hear you calling me
6. Keep us tonight!
Poppy and the Dazzle company
7. Freeze the air
Sarkky Cutter
8. I love the music and the dancing
Flossie and Dazzle chorus
9. Who needs sunshine?
Skimpy and Dazzle chorus
10. Dizzy and dangling
Murgatroyd and Flossie
11. The Ghost Train
The Dazzle Band
12. Bring on the moon and the dancing!
Poppy and Skimpy
13. Just the end of summer
Poppy and Dazzle chorus
14. Shining in the night
The whole company
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Our promise
“A proven summer musical that inspires young performers, delights audiences and raises the roof wherever it is performed.”